James Hummeldorf
Architectural Design InternJames is a second-year Master of Architecture student at the University of Cincinnati. He has over 7 years of experience in carpentry and custom fabrication with companies in Cincinnati, Louisville, and Atlanta. Receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Theater, James performed on stage and worked as a production assistant for the scene shop. This experience introduced him to various methods of production, and how important narrative is in design. His time spent working in the trades drives him to implement the best building methods and quality materials within architecture. During his first internship semester, James worked with MASS.design in their Kigali, Rwanda office and this experience opened his eyes to entirely new methods of making as well as new art forms. Much of the life and culture of Rwanda has already influenced some of his work in Architecture, as well as sculpture. James enjoys hiking with his fiancé and dog, cooking, woodworking, playing D&D, spending time with his niece, and playing guitar. He’s thrilled to be joining gbArchitecture this semester and eager to learn from our wonderful team.